High Performance Computer System (HPCS) Lab. at Seoul National University investigates various research topics related to next-generation computer architecture and systems.

Latest News

Two papers are accepted to MICRO 2024

J. Choi, I. Byun et al., “SuperCore: An Ultra-Fast Superconducting Processor For Cryogenic Applications”, MICRO 2024

H. Lee et al., “Rearchitecting a Neuromorphic Processor for Spike-Driven Brain-Computer Interfacing”, MICRO 2024

One paper is accepted to TACO 2024

D.min, et al., “CoolDC: A Cost-Effective Immersion-Cooled Datacenter with Workload-Aware Temperature Scaling”, TACO 2024

One paper is accepted to ASPLOS 2024

J. Kim, et al., “A Fault-Tolerant Million Qubit-Scale Distributed Quantum Computer”, ASPLOS 2024

One paper is accepted to MIDDLEWARE 2023

J. Lee, et al., “Fast, Light-Weight, and Accurate Performance Evaluation using Representative Datacenter Behaviors”, MIDDLEWARE 2023

  • Computer Architecture and System
    • CPU, Server, and Datacenter Architecture
    • System Modeling, Simulation, and Analysis
    • Cloud and Big Data Computing Systems
    • Brain-inspired, Neuromorphic Computer Systems
    • Accelerator Systems and Programming Supports